Emergency Medical Care


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Emergency Medical Care

+91-0294-3510000 ,+91-8696440666


Credibility of medical laboratories is paramount to the health and safety of the patients relying on the testing services provided by the labs. We at PIMS Central Laboratory strive to provide every patient and customer total satisfaction with exemptarily devoted service through a team of exceptionally qualified and highly experienced tab technologists to obtain results on time -and-every time without compromising on quality and precision in the investigations they perform. with special emphasison daily quality check. Our services go beyond providing reliable reports, but also help to give a complete clinical picture of the patient. It is also worthwhile to mention that our central laboratory is an epitome of a challenging work environment. Protecting people, assets and the environment from explosives and avoiding cross contamination in a laboratory are vital and our Laboratory strictly adheres to these basic international requirements which are subject to strict regulatory measures.

Services & Facilities:

  • Central lab consist of pathology, hispopathology, microbiology, bio-chemistry
  • Microbiology Automated culture & sensitivity (VfTElยข-2 Compact) Automated blood culture (BACT/ALERT 3D) Laminar Airflow Processor Air Petri Sampling system for OT Surveillance (lnfection Control). Separate Sterilization chamber for Lab (Autoclave & Hot air Oven).
  • Hematology Fully Automatic CBC Analyzer (SYSMAX XS-8OOi) Coa gulation Analyzer (STAGO) ESR Analyzer (Roller 20) Urine Analyzer (Cobas 411 Fully Automatic)
  • Histopathology Automatic Tissue processor Micro Processor Control Automatic knife Sharpener Microtome, Hot plate & Tissue flotation bath. Bacteriolog ical lncu bator.
    Fully Automated lmmunoassay Analyzer Phadia Allergy detection system Eliza Coro Nirology(Confirmation for HIV)
  • Hemoglobin electrophoresis
  • Harmonal analysis.
  • Tetrafogy of Faflot
  • Virology and maleceler tab.