Emergencies and disasters happen without warning, and treatment cannot wait. The doctors, paramedics and nurses in the Emergency Department of PIMS swing into action to provide prompt and swift medical attention to contain the injuries, stabilise traumatized patients and save lives. We have multi-bedded ultra- modern resuscitation bay with dedicated team of experts specialised in trauma care, external cardiac massage and artificial respiration, metabolic emergencies. CVA and Polytraumaetc.
Services & Facilities:
- 05 Bed State-of-the-art ICU. with trained emergency physicians
and paramedics forexcellent pre hospital care. - 30 bedded fully equipped emergency department with prioritized care.
- Mobile X-ray Unit
- Specialized toxicology and snake bite treatment centre with Poison Information Unit.
- Decontamination room for toxicology.
- Emergency operation theatre for Minor & Major Surgeries.
- Plaster & Procedure room.
- ALS & BLS trained Nursing & Paramedicat team.
- 24×7 Availability of Physians, Surgeons & lntensivist.
- Isolation ICU.