The department of General Surgery is separate by Male and Female wards each with equipped with Central piped Oxygen and vacuum. There are total 150 beds and 5 units in the department. All wards have a toilet block, pantry, nursing station, duty rooms for nurse & resident doctors. The wards are very spacious, well lighted, ventilated and get plenty of day light. The Surgery OPD is housed in an independent block which is well sign posted and is close to the hospital pharmacy, Physiotherapy Dept, and Radio diagnosis Dept. The OPD is self-contained with consultation rooms, demonstration rooms, a well-equipped minor OT and dressing rooms. All the rooms are furnished well and there is central nursing station. The main Operation theatre complex of the hospital is modular. All the suits are fitted with high quality ceiling mounted shadow less LED lights with cameras, pendants for anesthesia work station, monitors & medical gases & vacuum, anti-bacterial flooring, HEPA filters and laminar flow. The theatre is centrally air conditioned and strictly meets the temperature, humidity & number of air changes per hour as required for all types of surgeries. Each operating suit has a separate air handling Unit.